Today is my 16th and as my present to you I have 16 things I've learned in 16 years. I hope you enjoy this list and laugh at the right times. Chloe :))
1. Never (and I mean NEVER) apologize for being you, you were created to be exactly the way you are. Psalms 139:14, you are fearfully and wonderfully made: doesn't get more real than that!
2. Reading is important. Read books about anything, imagination is so important. And so is your vocabulary.
3. Barbie and HSM is a language that all girls can speak, no matter their age.
4. You might not be good at some things, but that's okay because you're probably better at other things.
5. Don't let the muggles get you down.
6. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell.
7. Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything and all the good things the Lord has done"!! Don't spend time worrying about things we could be doing much better things! Give your worries to God and you'll see the difference!
8. Procrastination = not good (but seems fun at the time!).
9. Take every piece of feedback and constructive criticism into your stride, it's there to help you.
10. Brunch is always a good option, always add extras and ALWAYS ALWAYS take photos (if you don't take a picture of your brunch did it even happen?).
11. Good sleeping patterns = healthy and happy life.
12. Sharpay was the REAL victim of HSM, let's be real.
13. The beach is nice until you're still finding sand a week later in places sand? should? not? be?!!!!.
14. It's okay to not be perfect.
15. Birkenstock's are cool and I'm sorry I ever doubted that.
16. Don't mix patterns.