Season eight has come, and gone. This epic and thrilling show that has taken quite possibly the whole world by storm, is finally over. Over ten years worth of story-telling is finished. If you couldn't tell, I'm very sad.
Throughout the past six weeks, I've been documenting my thoughts and writing mini reviews for each episode (do note though, the first two episodes feature me gushing and word vomiting all my thoughts, while the other four do actually have some substance). Please enjoy this accumulation of them all!!! And, to make this more fun for you all, because I did notice that it is a whole lot of writing, I included some of my favourite memes and stills from this season, so enjoy!
Episode 1 - "The Biggest TV Event of The Year Has Arrived" - AKA: "WINTERFELL"
The day has finally arrived, season eight is finally here. This episode, in my opinion, was a fantastic first episode for the final season! It had enough fluff and filler as well as big, big things. Again, the show runners prove themselves as story tellers as i think it's pretty dang hard to make a show stopping first episode for the world's most anticipated show of 2019. I loved the reunions, specifically Arya's reunions. She's the best, my absolute favourite; her hug with Jon, the cheeky smile she exchanged with Gendry, her stare-down with the Hound. Just the best okay, if she dies I'm going to need all the therapy. Anyway, this episode was big but also a set up; we find out that the White Walker army is close, they've decimated the Umbers, and all of Last Hearth. One thing I found absolutely disgusting was Dany and Jon. It's sad because, one part of me is like, "wow what a cute power couple" but the other part, a much bigger and full of common-sense part of me, is saying "ew yuck how gross they're actually related." Will Jon still pursue this relationship after the revelation that he is a Targaryen? I mean, he is a Targaryen and they believe in incest so, maybe he won't be too opposed, which is absolutely feral mind you. I'm still not a fan of Euron Greyjoy, he is freaking disgusting and the biggest bloody idiot on the show, as if Cersei wouldn't straight out murder him. He's just the lamest villain we've ever been introduced to on this show because, sorry, he's all talk no action. Abso-bloody-lutely no action. None. Also, Sansa, is so savage and I literally love her for it. The highlight of the episode is getting to watch her absolutely ravage Daenerys because apparently, she's the only one who's actually got brains at the moment.
Episode 2 - "Basically, HBO Gives Us A Good, Happy Episode Because Next Week They'll Be Culling Half the Cast" - AKA "A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS"
CRAP! This season has officially begun! Wow, what an episode, I loved this one. What a perfect little slice of happiness before the disaster that will be next week's episode. First off, I'll be addressing my favourite thing that happened in this episode; Arya and Gendry. Heck yes, this ship has finally reached the harbour and I couldn't be happier, I have been waiting for this since season two, when they first met. Anyway, that made me a very happy gal because not only have I been shipping this since day one, but it also proves that I AM the ship queen, I always know who will end up with who, it's a true gift I tell you. Another, was Brienne of Tarth, finally getting knighted!!! What a beautiful scene however, it does make me fear for next week, her story arc has basically wrapped itself? Will she die a noble, knight death next week (so glad i was wrong!)? I sure hope not.
Episode 3 - "The Long Night Has Arrived" - AKA "THE LONG NIGHT"
This episode was great. Hands down one of the best moments in tv ever. It was such a great episode, I absolutely could not get over how awesome and kick-butt and how well filmed it all was. Those battle sequences were enough to rival those form Lord of the Rings, and if I don't say so myself, I actually think it was... better. This episode was gutsy, gritty, tense and so so so powerful, just how I love my GoT episodes. I was sitting on the very edge of my seat for the whole of it, it was so crazy. To think that this episode took 55 night shoots to film is just as crazy. Some of the deaths in this episode were freaking depressing but I think Lyanna and Jorah Mormont and Theon take the cake. Lyanna's death was sad because of how young and innocent she was, she did not need to be anywhere near this battle yet she was, and seeing that giant crush the life out of her and then her, in retaliation, ending the giant's life had me in tears (and if you know me at all, you'd know I'm not kidding, I had all the tears). Jorah too, was a heart-breaking death. I've never cared too much for his character, finding him beyond annoying, however, he died protecting his Khaleesi, his forever love, no matter how many times she had to friend-zone him. Theon as well, ripped my heart to shreds. He has been through such a strong character arc throughout the course of the show; I've liked him, hated him, loathed him, felt sorry for him, felt very sorry for him, loved him, hated him and then loved him some more. But nothing was sadder than the final words Bran said to him, and the look on his face. But my most favourite moments from this episode, are none other than every scene my dear Arya Stark was in. If you haven't already worked it out, Arya Stark is my absolute favourite character, I adore her, I love her, I want to be her. Anyway, that moment where she just threw herself into the fray and started taking down those weights was just so awesome. And then, the best scene in the history of this show took place, Arya Stark took down the Night King. Although I wish the White Walker storyline was developed a bit more, that scene was nothing short of spectacular. I almost believed she had lost it, until I saw the knife, and remembered her epic trick she used against Brienne of Tarth in season 7, and then used on the Night King. Wow, just wow. Just before we move onto the next episode, can we mention how awesome the score was for this episode in particular? the music was doing great until we reached the entrance of the Night King in the Weirwood and it went from great to freaking out of this world. Anyways, moving on.
Episode 4 - "GoT Any Starbucks" - AKA "THE LAST OF THE STARKS"
This episode was primarily filler. It sucks, but with a season this small there is really no room or time to space out the big events and leave time for our characters to calculate and regroup. This is very obvious to me, as we straight away jump into the next cause of action. The show must now, get from B square to C square, and there's not much time to do so. Anyway, we open on a funeral, it's sombre, it's sad, it's nice. Then we get a good ol' party to celebrate this victory. Daenerys works out that Jon is the smarter and more popular choice for the throne. The Hound and Sansa get some interaction. Gendry becomes a rightful Baratheon, which is nice. Tormund gets his heart broken by Brienne, which in turn breaks all the fans hearts because, while may be crazy, he's kind and sweet. Jaime, Brienne, Pod and Tyrion play Tyrion's famed drinking game, but the viewers can all see it's all part of Jaime's elaborate plan to get with Brienne. Honestly, I was not complaining, I've been waiting for them to make it facebook offical since S2, however, this is short-lived because, after they... Jaime decides to pack it all up and go back to his deranged sister, Cersei, leaving Brienne crying in the club. This wrecked me, because of two major things. One, they ruined Jaime's character, everything that was developed over the last 7 seasons was dropped when he decided "he belongs with his sister". Excuse me? Two, they ruined Brienne's character by making her cry after Jaime. Have we not, for the past 6 seasons, been building Brienne up as an independant, need-no-man-(but I kinda want Jaime), strong woman who would never cry over a measly boy, to have her cry over a MEASLY BOY? Another knife to the heart was when my beautiful Gendrya ship decided to erupt into flames. What is the purpose of getting them together, to then break them up immediately. It made my heart hurt immensely. Missandei's death was also quite sad, and one I did not see coming.
Episode 5 - "Is This The Episode Where Cersei Dies?" - AKA "THE BELLS"
This episode was nuts. Absolutely, freaking nuts! Did I totally call the Dany "Mad Queen" story-line? Uh yes I did! This has been a theory I have been crazily backing since finishing season 7 in early Jan, and I have been waiting and waiting and finally it is here! I've spotted many fans saying how rushed and ridiculous this character arc is and how it's "totally out of character". Well, in my opinion, I don't think it's out of character at all. This has totally been on the cards for a while if you're willing to find the easter eggs. Perhaps, this arc could have been fleshed out more, it definitely could have, but I'm going to blame the fact that there were only 6 episodes this season, which meant things had to be rushed to make ends meet as well as the fact that there is hardly any breathing room for majority of the storylines and characters. Also, let's not forget, she lost her best friend last episode, her oldest friend an episode before and recently laid him to rest as well as another one of her babies died; how's that for a motive. Jaime and Cersei Lannister's death scene was sad, and not because they died all poetically in each other's arms, but because i felt that they both deserved a much better ending. Cersei has been a character I have LOVED watching on screen and was definitely one of my favourites; not because I love her character, her morals or actions but because I absolutely LOVE to LOATHE her. If you weren't aware, I am a real sucker for villain arcs, and Cersei, whether you like it or not, has had one of the best. Anyway, watching her go like that made me sad, I've always expected more from the death of possibly one the biggest and nastiest villains and characters on this show. And Jaime, do not tell me he, after all that amazing character development, did not deserve a worthier and greater death scene. Okay, so his actions of late have not been the most in character, but that does not stop the fact that he deserved better. It will also do well to mention two of the greatest moments in this episode; Jaime and Tyrion's final goodbye and Arya and the horse. The former, absolutely wrecked me, the performances by both Peter Dinklage and Nikolai CW in that scene were so genuine and just so bloody moving. The latter, I love because it's one, Arya Stark my QUEEN and two, because the cinematography was so spot on. Ugh, this show.
Episode 6 - "The End." - AKA "THE IRON THRONE"
Hmmmm, I've thought long and hard about this LAST episode of Game of Thrones, talked and messaged many of my friends about this ep and read all the articles I could possibly find and, I think I've decided my final thoughts. While this episode had some nice moments, book ends, dialogue and cinematography, it did carry some disappointment too. Wow, I hate saying that about the last episode of this great show, but like, I can't lie at this point. I guess I'll start with the positives; I liked Dany's death scene, it was nice, really really well acted and was a good moment between Jon and Dany despite it being, you know, a death scene. The closure to the Stark kids was nice, I liked the end montage and I'd be keen for a Arya Stark: What's West of Westeros spin off series. The goodbye between the four was sad and bittersweet. The call-back to seasons 1-4 with the small council meeting at the very end of the episode was also, nice. AND, the series finished in the exact location that it finished!! What a good book end!!!! And now to negatives/ the disappointments; I honestly felt that Bran being elected King was, strange. He's the three eyed raven, not a man, not a person, the three eyed raven. To me, I found it extremely weird and out of every noble person there was in that meeting, some that were far worthier than Bran, he was chosen? Interesting. I also found this episode to be so slow, every scene seemed dragged on and it was strangely sombre. Basically, after the fast-paced and crazy last episode I was expecting something that would match speed. But in general, my main disappointment with this episode comes from the feeling that it just was not the last episode, it didn't feel like a final episode. However, in saying that, I applaud this show for finishing in the least expected way and pulling a 360 on the watchers.
Last Thoughts:
I have seriously loved this tv show, every single second of it I have enjoyed. Currently, as we stand, in May 2019, Game of Thrones has to be my absolute favourite tv show. I wish every fantasy series could be adapted the way Game of Thrones was and I've never wanted to read a book series more (so watch out dudes because maybe in the near future I'll have GoT book reviews on here)!! My love for this show does not excuse though, the fact that I do feel as though the last season was very rushed in comparison to past seasons. I don't understand why the writers believed 6 episodes would be nearly enough to portray the events for the final season of the mammoth of a show. I wouldn't have complained if it had ten episodes, or heck, maybe two more seasons. I saw this post on instagram that basically, all summed up, said that the final season should have been made into three seasons in itself; eight, to defeat the White Walkers, nine, to defeat Kings Landing and Cersei and ten, to show Dany's spiral into madness and her overall defeat. I believe with even some extra episodes or seasons, season 8 could have avoided the rushed and forced feeling this season had. Apart from that, and the storylines and arcs that were, sadly, not addressed or, even worse, glossed over, I have very much enjoyed this season. I do feel satisfied by the ending but at the same time I do not feel as if the show has officially finished. But, it has been quite the ride and I will definitely be rewatching this series again, and again, and again.
Thank you so much for reading!